
Global Business Company and its Corporate Social Responsibility

Date Created 2022-09-07 15:37   search 2,576



Early in August, the central west of Korea experienced its worst heavy rain in 115 years of meteorological observation (141.5 mm of rainfall per hour).
Many companies, organizations, and even individuals have taken immediate actions to aid the disaster victims by fundraising money and participating volunteer activities. As a result of people’s sincere efforts, the recovery was made quicker than anticipated compared to how it was imagined in the situation right after the catastrophic damage.

Particularly, as precipitation unexpectedly flooded onto the road, drivers left their vehicles behind which were drowned in the water. The street was in chaos.

Automobile manufacturers came up with different after-sales care plans for its clients whose cars were damaged by the severe rain. Among these, Hyundai Motor Group's remarkable effort drew people’s attention.

Hyundai Motor Group has already offered its customers a “Special Support Service for Flood Damaged Vehicles” every year. By covering up to 50% of repair costs, rent-a-car fees, and free car washes, the service aims to lessen the financial burden placed on the victimized consumer as much as possible.

Moreover, employees of Hyundai Motor Group organized a temporary voluntary support groups to deliver basic daily necessities to the impacted area. Also, 4 mobile laundry vans and 1 fumigation vehicle were sent to the scene to provide contaminated laundry for the victim’s use and to clean up the flooded area.

A donation of 2 billion Korean Won was also made to Korea Disaster Relief Association in order to aid the victims and support rapid damage restoration. Hyundai Motor Group has always been at the forefront of providing donations whenever a significant natural disaster strikes, such as in 2020, 2019, and 2017.

In the event of an unavoidable natural disaster, regardless of whether the company is responsible or not, the reactive customer service it offers to its suffered customers is often intended to increase customers’ brand loyalty. However, the fact that Hyundai Motor Group reaches further and actively takes the lead to fulfill its social responsibility in a serious manner demonstrates how much the company values “the importance of people” and “consciousness of the environment.” At the same time, it shows that the company fully comprehends current social expectations and is taking steps to fulfill them.

When a company upholds its duties in terms of public interest, which are prioritized on “human” and “environment” basis rather than focusing on solitary growth such as profit creation or quantitative growth, a company will be proudly acknowledged as a global company by the public. It is a time when the public will evaluate a company’s value objectively and comprehensively based on its ethical behavior.

Hyundai Motor Group is an excellent modeling firm that pursues the finest value a company should value. LBI, the training consulting division of LBG, is delighted to have been able to serve Hyundai Motor Group as a partner customer for a long time. LBI pledges to continuously work to create top-notch, customized training programs in order to properly communicate the important principles upheld by Hyundai Motor Group to both employees and customers.