
Training Review- 'G' Golf Brand: 'LUXURY SALES TECHNIQUE'

Date Created 2023-07-20 15:53   search 3,954



Luxury American golfwear brand 'G' regularly visits LBI for their employee trainings. 

'G' brand believes that to provide customers with a unique brand experience distinct from other golf brands, the sales staff must have a luxury service mindset as their foundation. Therefore, they are making extraordinary efforts in training and enhancing the capabilities of their employees to align with the brand values.


In June, 'Luxury Sales Technique' training program was conducted for 'G' store sales staff. The program was designed with practical techniques necessary for effective sales, aiming to offer customers a special brand experience when they visit their stores.

Moreover, learning luxury sales skills based on a systematic and professional approach, along with an understanding of the luxury brand industry, can strengthen essential sales competencies that align with the luxury brand's values.


The training begins by clearly presenting the objectives and service orientation of luxury sales and delves into the examination of desirable sales stages. During this time, the employees explore the expectations of customers at each stage and study for the actions they need to take to meet those expectations.

The training is particularly popular because it includes abundant sales language and real-life examples tailored to the unique brand environment, enabling immediate practical application in the field.

The significant effect of this training is that employees can elevate their sales competencies by employing high-level communication skills. From the customer's perspective, these well-trained sales staff effectively communicate the unique selling points of products through both verbal and non-verbal expressions, making purchase decisions more straightforward.

An exemplary sales communication skill, known as 'OREO Talk,' was introduced:


  • Opinion: State the core opinion first,
  • Reason: Support the argument with reasons and evidence,
  • Example: Reinforce the argument with cases and examples,
  • Opinion: Emphasize the core opinion once again and make a proposal.

By receiving practical know-how applicable to their work, the sales staffs can immediately find out the effects and achievements of the training when interacting with customers at the store.


After completing the training, the trainees of 'G' brand provided the following feedbacks:

"What is 'Luxury sales'? It was a time for us to think about what we need to do as a team to meet our customers' expectations."

"We realized the importance of knowing customers' expectations and adapt flexibility in sales services according to the changing environment in luxury sales."

"It became an opportunity to develop the mindset and sales techniques aligned with the 'luxury service providing brand' that G-FORE aims to be."

"The training provided practical sales techniques such as the 'Vivid Talk' that stimulates customers' senses, the persuasive alternative suggestion approach 'OREO Talk,' and the value-enhancing 'Macaron' technique, all essential for achieving top sales performance."

"It was a motivating training that allowed us to review the fundamentals of sales that we had forgotten and adopt a luxury service mindset."

"The content was beneficial and practical to use in the store."

"Different from other training, the content was something we wanted to apply in the store, and we want to use it to improve sales performance with our colleagues."

For inquiries please contact:


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